
What is Surya Mahadasha? Its Effect and Remedies

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New Delhi | July 21: Astrology is the historic exercise of information the impact of celestial our bodies on people and imparting them insights in a nutshell approximately how their physical, mental, emotional and overall life will be.

Astrology has always guided Indian civilizations due to its foremost practice in history.

In the mystical world of Vedic Astrology or Jyotishi, the Sun, also known as Surya Dev or Aditya Dev, is regarded as the most important and influential celestial body that has huge impact on individuals’ life. It is one of the navagraha and is considered as the soul of Kalapurusha.

The Sun is associated with authority and leadership and represents self-identity and ego. Surya Dev is considered as “King” among all other planets.

Talking about Mahadasha, it is a crucial and significant period in one’s life. Similarly, Surya Mahadasha is also associated with a period of six years in one’s life where the person is under the major influence of the Sun, the king of the planets, as it represents the self, the ego, the authority, the power, the vitality, and the soul of the individual.

Depending on the position and strength of the Sun in one’s birth chart, Surya Mahadasha can have both positive or negative effects on the person’s life.

Although, being one of the most important planets, its malefic effects are impactful and resentive. It is believed that this period imparts negative effects, because of the arousal of Surya Dosha, which occurs due to the placement of Surya in the wrong house or with enemy planets.

Generally, tts placement in 6th, 8th and 12th house leads to affliction.

Below listed are the malefic effects of the Surya Mahadasha:-

1. Individuals may experience unhappiness due to fear, disputes and conflicts.

2. They can be financially unstable because of loss of assets, property and money.

3. The wrong placement can bring hardships, challenges and troubles in career growth and success.

4. One can experience major mental health issues like depression, anxiety and stress.

5. An individual may experience defamation and failure.

6. Longing problems with government authorities and unresolved cases in the Supreme Court.


1. Chant the Surya Mantra, ‘Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namaha’ 108 times daily to appease Lord Sun.

2. Recite the Surya Mantra, the Aditya Hridya Strota and the Gayatri Mantra daily to please the Sun god.

3. Donate food, clothes and money to the needy people.

4. Practice Yogic asanas like Surya Namaskar daily.

5. Offer a pot of water with proper ritual to Surya Dev daily.

6. Embrace the gemstone Ruby on your body which is associated with the Sun.

7. Observe fastings on Sundays.

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