New Delhi | June 4: Have you ever noticed your hands, neck and forehead in summers and felt something indifferent? Hold on, before kneading your body, read this entire article for your benefit.
Tanning is body’s natural shield against UV rays of sun which causes darkness in the skin, as UV rays can potentially damage the skin tissue in the form of a sun burn. Excessive exposure to the UV rays of the sun causes the skin cells to produce a pigment called Melanin which is further responsible for tanning in the skin.
“Melanin is a pigment that provides colour to our skin, hair, and eyes. Scientifically, it is produced by cells called melanocytes, which are found in the skin and other parts of the body.”
Now here comes the big part, it’s time to stand in front of mirror and have a look at yourself. What did you just noticed? Does your body have also had numerous tans in the scorching heat? See the difference in your body parts and notice different ‘shades of colour’ including light brown, dark brown, sun burn, and tanning in your body parts.
This happens when you are in the sunlight for even a short while and the skin starts darkening. Therefore, it is advised to go out with covered body.
Although there are varieties of sunscreen available in the market, but due to expensive rates, they are almost unaffordable for a common citizen. In such situations, what humans need is a ‘home remedy’ to solve their all tanning problems.
The remedy which we are going to tell, has all its ingredients present just in your kitchen. These natural remedies are cheap as well as very effective.
So, follow these steps to get healthy and glowing skin. Worry not, it is tried and tested homemade mask suggested by every Indian grandmother (dadi ke nuskhe)
. Gram Flour 1 TBSP: Garm flour or Besan has been used for de-tanning and brightening one’s skin tone for centuries. It’s super cleansing properties leave your face looking its best EVER!

. Curd 1 TBSP: Enriched with lactic acid, curd is a natural bleaching agent to fight sun tan quickly.

. Turmeric ¼ TBSP: Known for anti-ageing properties, turmeric repairs the damaged skin and lightens the skin tone.

. Honey 1 TBSP: Honey has ability to open up the pores and unclog them off dead skin cells. Full of antioxidants, a natural moisturizer& Smoother, honey give glow to skin.

. Sandalwood Powder ½ TBSP: The natural oils in sandalwood (chandan), effectively helps get rid of Sun tan.

. Rose Water 1 TBSP: Rose water due to it’s astringent properties helps clean pores and tones the skin.

Once you have put all the super ingredients in the bowl, mix them thoroughly to make a paste like consistency.
Your magic de tan face-pack is ready! Using clean hands, apply the mixture on face and other tan parts of your body. While applying, gently massage with your finger in a circular motion. Let the mask do its action for about 30 minutes. You’ll be amazed to see the results in just one minute.