New Delhi | May 31: Astrology, a wondrous field, holds its significance due to the celestial bodies and planets only. In Vedic astrology and Jyotish, planets play a pivotal role as predictions are made based on their positions. It is believed that all the events in our lives are influenced by these celestial bodies, which hold tremendous importance. Our fortune, success, happiness, and even misfortune are closely tied to them.
Luckily, our ancient sages and ancestors identified the nine planets that exist and revealed how their movements can impact humans, both positively and negatively. These nine planets, known as the “Navgraha,” include the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu. While Rahu and Ketu are considered imaginary planets, their influence is undeniable. The placement and strength of these Navgrahas in a natal chart can significantly affect our lives.
However, people often face various challenges and misfortunes despite their continuous efforts. These difficulties may arise from afflicted planets in one’s natal chart, which require remedies or attention. One of the most common and effective ways to address these issues is by reciting the mantras associated with each planet. In this article, we provide you with the mantras for each of these celestial bodies:
1. The Sun – Surya or Sun is considered as the planet of light, vitality and wisdom. It represents pride.
Mantra – ‘Om Hraam Hreem Hroum Sah Suryaya Namaha’.
‘Om Suryaya Namaha’.
2. The Moon – It represents thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Mantra – ‘Om Shram Shreem Sah Chandraya Namaha’.
‘Om Chandraya Namaha’.
3. Mars – Often regarded as a malefic planet, believed to bring obstacles mainly.
Mantra – ‘Om Kraam Kreem Kroum Sah Bhaumaya Namaha’.
‘Om Angrakaya Namaha’
4. Jupiter – Often associated with luck, Jupiter represents wisdom, expansion and spirituality.
Mantra – ‘Om Graam Greem Groum Sah Gurave Namaha’.
‘Om Brihaspataye Namaha’.
5. Mercury – Also called Buddha. It represents communication, intellectual and wit.
Mantra – ‘Om Braam Breem Broum Sah Buddhaya Namaha’.
‘Om Buddhaya Namaha’
6. Saturn – Saturn or Shani is regarded as the lord of karma and influence human’s karmic intentions.
Mantra – ‘Om Kraam Kreem Kroum Sah Shanicharaya Namaha’.
‘Om Praam Preem Praum Sah Shanayishraya Namah.
7. Venus – Often called as the Lord of love, romance and luxury.
Mantra – ‘Om Draam Dreem Droum Sah Shukraya Namaha’.
‘Om Shukraya Namaha’
8. Rahu – It is an imaginary planet believed to bring ill-luck mostly.
Mantra – ‘Om Braam Breem Broum Sah Rahave Namaha’.
‘Om Ram Rahave Namaha’.
9. Ketu – Shadowy planet, believed to bring misfortune and bad luck.
Mantra – ‘Om Sraam Sreem Sroum Sah Ketave Namaha’.
‘Om Kem Ket Ketve Namaha’