Bangalore | May 29: Thunderstorms can be quite distressing for our furry friends. As a dog owner, it’s heart-breaking to see your beloved pet panic or hide during a storm. Fortunately, there are several ways to help comfort your dog and reduce their anxiety when the thunder rolls. Here are some tips to make your dog feel safer during storms:
1. Call Your Dog EarlyDon’t wait until the storm is in full swing to find your dog. As soon as you hear thunder, call your dog to your side. Being close to you can provide comfort and reassurance.
2. Remain CalmDogs are incredibly perceptive and can sense your emotions. If you’re anxious or upset, your dog will pick up on it. Stay calm and maintain your usual routine. Smile, speak in a reassuring tone, and avoid overloading your dog with sympathy. Soft singing can also help calm some dogs.
3. Create a Safe SpaceFind a small, quiet area where your dog can hide. Ideally, this spot should block out light and noise while allowing your dog to be near you. Consider these options:- Under a table or bed- In a dog crate with a blanket draped over it- In a closet or windowless bathroom
4. Swaddle Your DogWrap a garment around your dog or let them huddle under your arm on the sofa. The added pressure can provide comfort, similar to how swaddling soothes a baby. If this helps, consider using a special anti-anxiety garment like the Thundershirt or Anxiety Wrap. Make sure it fits snugly around your dog’s chest and follow the product instructions.
5. Block Out NoiseUse a loud television, music, or other sources of noise (such as a washing machine) to drown out the sound of thunder. The familiar noise can help distract your dog from the storm.