
How much is too much? – Learn to limit your expectations

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New Delhi | June 12: We all expect something from someone but ever wondered why humans expect? Expectations are closely tied to goal setting; the reason behind this is our advanced cognitive abilities which stimulate us to plan for the future that reconciles personal and professional development.

The word ‘expectations’ has a tendency to explain one’s life trajectory and trauma. While having expectations is undoubtedly a normal human instinct, it’s crucial to draw a thin line between our needs and expectations. Positive expectations can enhance emotional well-being, fostering optimism, while negative expectations can do the things vice versa.

Expecting too much can lead to unhappiness. We often find ourselves in disappointment when things and situations don’t go in a certain way and don’t meet our expectations. We feel frustrated, angry, and even resentful. Here are some pitfalls of high expectations:-

·       Setting the Bar Too High – High expectations lead to disappointment. When our goals are too ambitious, the pressure we place on ourselves becomes overwhelming. As a result, an imaginable force sets up expectations, demanding unwavering support. Upon not receiving, it leads to stress, anxiety, and ultimately, burnout.

·       Comparing Ourselves to Others – Everything we see on social media is not true. In this era, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing our achievements and progress to those of others. This constant comparison can generate discontent and erode our self-esteem.

·       Ignoring the Journey – A relentless focus on the end result can cause us to overlook the significance of the journey itself. Every step forward, every lesson learned, and every small victory should be acknowledged. Setting expectations solely on the final outcome may make us overlook the growth and development occurring along the way.

How to limit expectations?

·       Define Your Priorities – The first priority should be towards the identification and introspection of your core values and priorities. Understanding what truly matters to you brings self–awareness, which is the key to leading the foundation for cultivating realistic expectations.

·       Break Down Goals – Try to break your goals into smaller and more manageable tasks. The step-by-step approach to goal-setting makes it easier for you to achieve your goals.

·       Embrace Flexibility – It’s important to understand life is unpredictable, and circumstances may change unexpectedly. It is crucial to cultivate adaptability and openness to adjust your expectations as needed.

·       Celebrate Progress – One should acknowledge and celebrate achievements, irrespective of their size. Recognizing your progress not only cultivates a positive mindset but also serves to bolster your motivation.


Learning to limit our expectations is not about settling for less; rather, it’s a harmonised approach to maintaining a healthy balance in life. By setting realistic expectations, celebrating small victories, and staying adaptable, we can navigate our journey with resilience and fulfilment. Ultimately, the key lies in finding the right balance that propels us forward without sacrificing our well-being along the way.

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