
From Sachin Tendulkar to Anil Kumble – The Longest Serving Indian Cricketers


Mumbai | May 29: It is possible in India only! Yes, this quote fits so true for India, as anything is possible in India. Indians are really crazy and this craziness can even turn into worship. In India, cricket is not just a sport, for Indian cricket fans it’s an emotion, and players in this sport are no less than a god. You may have heard about people worshipping Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli as gods and this can only happen in India. India and Indians are beautiful, indeed!

Cricket is not just a sport in India; it’s a religion, a passion that unites billions. Over the years, India has produced cricketers who haven’t just played the game but have lived it, dedicating decades to the sport.

From winning the 1983 trophy to 2011 trophy to losing the 2023 trophy, each and every moment in cricket is commemorated enthusiastically and happily by every true fan. Cricket is not just a game of team, rather, it’s also about constant evolution and betterment of a player as a team.

Indian cricket boasts a rich history filled with legendary players who have left their indelible mark on the game. But beyond the flashy centuries, and match-winning spells lay the stories of dedication and longevity. This article salutes the Indian stalwarts who have donned the national colours for the greatest length of time.

Sachin Tendulkar: The Master Blaster

A name that needs no introduction! No discussion about Indian cricket can commence without paying homage to Sachin Tendulkar, the Little Master. Tendulkar was born on April 24, 1973, and was first introduced to cricket in 1984 by his elder brother Ajit Tendulkar, to help curb his bullying tendencies.

Initially playing as a fast bowler, he debuted as a batter at the age of 16 and was destined to become the GOAT of batting, not just in India, but in the whole world. Serving the Indian cricket team for an astonishing 24 years, Tendulkar remains the highest run-scorer in international cricket. Making his debut at the tender age of 16, Tendulkar’s illustrious career included numerous records, milestones, and a World Cup triumph in 2011.

His unwavering commitment to the game earned him the title of the “God of Cricket.” His records are monumental, and his legacy is immortal. For 24 years, he carried the hopes of a nation every time he stepped onto the field. In 2014, he was awarded India’s highest civilian award, ‘Bharat Ratna’.

Anil Kumble: The Spin Wizard

Anil Kumble’s career spanned from April 1990 to October 2008. Nicknamed “Jumbo” for his never-say-die attitude, Anil Kumble was a bowling stalwart in Indian cricket. His accuracy and guile with the leg-spin earned him the highest number of wickets (337) for India in ODIs. 

Kumble’s 18-year international career, encompassing 271 ODIs, is a story of unlimited dedication and exceptional skill. Known for his fierce competitiveness and sharp cricketing brain, Kumble was a match-winner. His 10/74 against Pakistan in Delhi is etched in history. With 619 Test wickets, he remains one of the greatest leg-spinners of all time. 

Srinivas Venkataraghavan: The Unsung Hero

Srinivas Venkatraghavan, a proficient off-spinner and a member of the famous Indian spin quartet, served from February 1965 to September 1983, Venkataraghavan was part of the famed Indian spin quartet. Known for his guile and accuracy, Venkatraghavan played a vital role in India’s success during the 1970s.

His ability to outfox batsmen and contribute with crucial lower-order runs made him a valuable asset to the team. Despite being overshadowed by his contemporaries, his contributions as a cricketer and later as an umpire are significant.

Kapil Dev: The Hurricane

Kapil Dev, the man who led India to its first-ever World Cup victory in 1983, served the Indian cricket team for over 16 years. A charismatic all-rounder known for his aggressive batting and potent pace bowling, Kapil Dev’s impact on Indian cricket is indelible.

His leadership and match-winning performances continue to inspire aspiring cricketers across the nation. Dev’s international career donned the Indian jersey in 255 ODIs, leaving behind an inspiring legacy for future generations.


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