
The Jhuth News

बिहार के शेखपुरा जिले में लू के कारण स्कूल में करीब 50 बच्चे बेहोश हो गये

नई दिल्ली | 2 जून: ऐसा जिले में भीषण लू जैसी स्थिति के कारण हुआ, क्योंकि तापमान 40 से 45 डिग्री सेल्सियस के आंकड़े को पार कर रहा था।शुरुआत में छह छात्र बेहोश हो गए, लेकिन धीरे-धीरे उनमें से कई ने अपना होश खो दिया और बेहोश होने लगे। यह घटना तब शुरू हुई जब…

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The Benefits and Challenges of Working in the Gig Economy

New Delhi | June 01: Imagine being in a work sphere, working according to your potential, capability, time and most importantly your will, indeed, a working system where individuals are their own bosses. Welcome to the world of Gig Economy! A term that specifically describes the growing trend of people working as independent contractors, freelancers,…

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Around 50 children fainted in school in Sheikhpura district of Bihar’s due to heatwave

Sheikhpura | Bihar: At least 50 students fainted at Mankaul Middle School in the Ariari block of Sheikhpura district of Bihar, on Wednesday morning. This happened due to the severe heatwave-like conditions in the district, as the temperature was crossing the mark of 40 to 45 degrees Celsius. Initially six students fainted but gradually more…

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