
A Tangy Tale: 11 Surprising Health Benefits of Achaar

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Mumbai | June 9: “Achaar – Yours favourite, my favourite and everybody’s favourite”. This one line is pretty enough to describe the craze and popularity of Achaar. It’s a dish whose incarnation as a bite full of tanginess, tastefulness and delightfulness was never imagined, as it was just a method of preserving food beyond immediate consumption.

Achaar, or Indian pickle, is a staple food item, available in most Indian households. Basically, it’s preserved vegetables and fruits (chopped) combined with vinegar and spices. With its explosion of flavours and textures, achaar is full of life. While it’s hard to believe but there exists some people who can’t have their meal without achaar.

Apart from that, the spices added to the achaar increase the nutritional value of the achaar and add a lot of flavour to it. Often overlooked part, achaar serves as a healthy medium for various things. Here are 10 surprising health benefits of achaar that you may not be aware of:

  1. Antioxidant Properties – Achaar is a rich source of antioxidants that protect the body against the attack of free radicals by altering its highly dangerous configuration with the body’s DNA. As our achaar contains raw and unripe ingredients, they are a rich source of antioxidants.
  1. Probiotic Powerhouse – The fermentation process that creates achaars fosters the growth of beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus. These probiotics aid digestion, improve gut health, and boost immunity, making your tummy happy and your immune system strong.
  1. Boosts Immunity – Turmeric powder which contains a chemical called ‘Curcumin’ has anti-inflammatory properties that help your body to fight against the attack of various bacteria and viruses.
  1. Protects Liver – Gooseberry and Amla pickles have hepatoprotective properties to protect the liver from harmful attacks. If consumed regularly, they can also bring a reduction in the damage caused to the liver.
  1. Enhances Food Taste – Achaar adds a tangy and spicy kick to your food, making it more appetizing and enjoyable. Achaar can also help you eat less by satisfying your taste buds and making you feel full faster.
  1. Prevents Scurvy – Scurvy is a disease caused by a deficiency of Vitamin C, which leads to bleeding gums, weakness, and fatigue. Achaar being tangy is a good source of Vitamin C, especially if it is made with citrus fruits like lime and lemon. Eating achaar can prevent scurvy and keep your gums healthy.
  1. Fights Infections – Achaar contains several spices that have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. They can help you fight infections and boost your immunity. Achaar can also help you heal wounds faster by preventing infection and inflammation.
  1. Improves Skin and Hair – Achaar contains many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for your skin and hair. They can help you maintain a healthy complexion, prevent acne, reduce wrinkles, and promote hair growth. Achaar can also help you prevent hair loss and dandruff by nourishing your scalp and follicles.
  1. Regulates Blood Pressure – Achaar contains some spices such as turmeric, kalonji seeds, methi, etc. that can help you regulate your blood pressure. They can help you lower high blood pressure by relaxing your blood vessels and reducing stress. They can also help you raise low blood pressure by stimulating your heart and increasing blood flow.
  1. Improved Iron Absorption – Pairing achaar with iron-rich foods enhances the absorption of non-heme iron due to the presence of vitamin C. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with iron-deficiency anaemia.
  1. Blood Sugar Regulation – Fenugreek, a staple in many achaar recipes, has demonstrated potential in improving insulin sensitivity and regulating blood sugar levels. This makes achaar a flavourful addition for individuals with diabetes.
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