
5 Mysterious Places in India

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New Delhi | June 3: Our elders often say ‘Magic begins right where science concludes’. In some cases, this saying seems true, as there are some places on earth, of course in our India too, that resonate with the word mystery. India’s landscape is dotted with places that spark curiosity and ignite the imagination and beyond the science, these places and science never contemplated each other. Scientists and experts are still trying to figure out what really the deep mystery is engraved with these sites and what is unknown continues to make India a land of fascination and wonder.

But, but, but….whether you love adventure or the adventure loves you, in both cases, thrill is guaranteed. Let’s explore these mysterious and captivating places whose stories only have the power to send shivers down your spine.

Kailash Parvat: The Abode of Lord Shiva

Kailash Parvat, a peak in the Himalayan range, is famous for its unusual stories, not for frightful ones but for divine and miraculous stories. Kailash Parvat is not just a mountain; it’s a sacred pilgrimage site revered by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Bonpos. Kailash Parvat is also called the ‘Axis Mundi of India’ and it is situated exactly on the distance of 6666 km from the North Pole and 6666*2 km from the South Pole, some geologists believe it’s just a coincidence while some do not. What makes Kailash Parvat truly mysterious is the belief that it is the abode of Lord Shiva. In addition to the mystery is the absence of any recorded attempts of successfully climbing the peak along with the frightened experience of hikers, who tried to climb Kailash, experienced 3 times faster ageing, which is totally abnormal. 

Rakshash Taal: The Lake of Demons

One must have heard the name of the sacred Mansarovar Lake, nestled in the foothills of Kailash Parvat, a calm, quiet and sacred lake with serene beauty situated at such a high altitude. Alongside the Mansarovar Lake, there resides a lake named Rakshash Taal is a canvas of mystery. We guess the name has given you a little answer. Scientists are still figuring out the reason behind the salty water and ocean nature of the lake (which means: the wave arises continuously) without any vegetation in the nearby areas. People are stunned why the lake at the same altitude and in the same climatic conditions behaves so weirdly.

Roopkund: The Skeleton Lake

Nestled in the lap of the Himalayas and the serene beauty of Uttarakhand, Roopkund, also known as the Skeleton Lake, is an alpine glacial lake that gained fame for the hundreds of human skeletons discovered on its shores when the pond got dried. The mystery deepens as these remains date back to the 9th century, and the exact cause of their demise remains unknown. Scientists are still researching about those bones and their dating. Various theories, including hailstorms and an epidemic, abound, but the truth behind this macabre is still unknown, and left Roopkund as a definition of enigma.

Ellora Temple: The Rock-Cut Marvels

Situated in Maharashtra, the Ellora Temple is an architectural marvel but modern archaeology fails to answer who made it and why and when. Can you imagine a building formation from the roof and consecutive floors? No? But this temple was made from one single solid rock that too from top to bottom. Sounds impossible? Perhaps it is because modern archaeology and archaeologists struggle to provide answers to such fundamental questions. An alternative theory proposes that the temple was constructed using simple chisels and hammers. If this account holds true, the estimate indicates that approximately 400,000 tons of rock would have been carved to create this temple. However, scientists have not discovered any remnants of such a massive rock in an area spanning hundreds of kilometres. Despite these mysteries, the temple stands today, adorned with hundreds of pillars and thousands of engraved idols of gods, making the Ellora Temple an enduring enigma.

Dwarka: The Submerged City

Krishna, the mischievous little kid in the story of every ‘gopi’ is called ‘Lord of the Universe’; the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu had his very own city named Dwarka, which he inhabited after leaving Mathura and Vrindavan. Dwarka, located off the coast of Gujarat, is believed to be the ancient kingdom of Lord Krishna. Mythology describes Dwarka as a prosperous city that was swallowed by the sea. In recent times, underwater archaeological explorations have revealed the existence of a submerged city off the coast, leaving researchers intrigued about its connection to the legendary Dwarka. The findings include structures, pottery, and artefacts that hint at a sophisticated ancient civilization, opening a gateway to the mysteries of India’s maritime past.


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